"Speakers Who Want To Sound Their Best Know To Use Vocal Variety" Dr. Jim Anderson




Key Quote: "We need to understand how our most important speech giving tool, our voice, can be used to make our next speech our best yet


So, you've got the perfect content and the best slides that google could make and now you are going to deliver your message.  Until I read this article, I did not realize the importance of your voice and vocal variety.  Anderson's key message is that not every word in your speech has equal importance.  In fact, you want to emphasize the most important words.  Until now, I added variety in terms of pitch or volume just to make things interesting but this author suggests that you should carefully look at your speech and choose those words that you think have the most significance or importance for the audience to remember!  These are the words you want to add emphasis to such as making them louder, different pitch, or possibly softer.  This is where you put the work in to add vocal variety.  Such a helpful hint!   I'm actually going to relook at my speech for the upcoming international competition and see if I can select those words that are most important and then add some variety to them.  This is important because "when you do this the words that get your special attention will be the ones that stick in the audiences mind." Anderson also cautions that when we make statements, we often bring our voice level down but be cautious because those words at the end of our statements and sentences are often those important words so we need to bring the pitch up.  This is well worth a look as is Blue Elephant consulting as a web page for public speaking.  Speak UP!